Frequently asked questions

About the meters

Which tint meters are best for police officers?

The Enforcer II is designed for daily police officer use.

Which tint meters are best for inspection stations?

The Inspector II is designed for inspection stations for ALL windows.

What are the differences between the Enforcer II and the Inspector II?

The Enforcer II is designed for police usage for vehicle checks.  It is used with one hand on roll down windows, so the other hand is free in case of potential gun usage. The Inspector II is designed for inspection stations. It works on any window, including front and back windshields. The two-piece design requires one side to be on the inside of the vehicle, so it is not recommended for police officers for safety reasons.

What are the differences between the Enforcer and the Enforcer II?

The Enforcer II is an updated TM100/Enforcer. It is smaller and lighter but works the same way as the TM100/Enforcer and is just as durable.  It also contains a coin cell battery, which lasts longer than the TM100’s alkaline 9V battery.  We have completely REPLACED the TM100/Enforcer with the Enforcer II.

What are the differences between the Inspector and the Inspector II?

The Inspector II is an updated TM200/TM400/Inspector.  It is smaller and lighter but works the same way as the TM200/TM400/Inspector and is just as durable. It also contains two coin cell batteries, which lasts longer than the TM200 or TM400’s alkaline 9V batteries. At this point, we do not make the TM200 any longer, it has completely been replaced by the Inspector II.

Tint Meter usage

Should the window be cleaned with a towel and cleaning spray? Does dirt or salt buildup affect the reading?

Windows only need to be relatively clean. Normal water spots do not affect a reading, though excessive dirt or grime should be cleared.

Must the tint meter be checked against a reference sample each time before being used?

Checking with every use is not necessary, although some police departments do customarily check them that frequently.

Do the reference samples need replacing with new units each year to hold up in court?

Some states require replacements of the samples every year.  Consult your state’s laws.

How do I recertify a Tint Meter?

When required or desired for court, your Tint Meter maybe be recertified by replacing the Tint References samples. If you wish, the meter can be returned to Laser Labs and we will test and recertify the meter for an addition cost.

Will the tint in a window change as it ages in direct sunlight?

Some aftermarket tint does degrade by fading, resulting in a lower amount of tint and a higher tint reading.